RealTime Backup Features
- Easy to install - Wizard Driven
- Easy to Setup - Easily backup files and folders you commonly use like Outlook, IE favorites, Firefox favorites, Server Backups, System state /Active Directory support
- Easy Off-Site Configuration - Off-Site servers may be added and selected with connection testing verification.
- Browser based - Provides easy access
- Automated - After the initial configuration, backups happen automatically.
- Backup Anything you Need - Documents, Spreadsheets, Presentations, Email, Exchange, SQL & MySQL databases and more
- Use Across the Network - Protects Servers, Laptops & Desktops with Windows, Mac OSX, Linux & FreeBSD
- Easy to Restore Files - Step by Step restore process ensures you don't have to run for IT Support when you need to recover your data.
- Cutting Edge Technology - Fast & Intelligent Incremental backups checks down to the byte level to see if your files have changed since the last backup and thereafter backs up only the changed bytes of the file without having to back up the entire file. This saves both bandwidth and time.
- Powerful Compression - your data is compressed before it leaves your computer insuring space is used efficiently
- Flexible scheduling options - Works around you, not the other way around. Make as many schedules as you need, each with its own rules and name.
- Multiple Backup Versions of files - Choose how many versions you would like to back up. This way you can always restore an ‘older’ version of a file instead of just the last one.
- Restore only what you need - Restore an entire backup or restore a directory or even a single version of a file.
- Restore deleted file capability
- Powerful Reporting – you always know what's happening.
- Bandwith Control - CPU utilization and bandwith throttling may be configured
- Customizable to your Network - flexible enough to provide you with a customized choice of where to store your data.
- Transparent - runs quietly in the background and periodically assures you that everything is under control.
- Secure - Robust Encryption with a configurable encryption key length - without the password nobody sees your backed up data.
- Intelligent Transfer - Data is encrypted and compressed before it leaves your computer
- Secures Your Pricacy - IT Personnel may monitor and manage backups without ever accessing your data
- Upgradable - Automatically downloads and installs software updates
- Replication to a secondary location - Backing up to an offsite server ensures that you can recover your data even in case of a physical disaster, theft, or loss at your business location.

Backup your entire network including
Road Warrior laptops securely regardless
of their operating system or location.
Upgradable Hosting
Grow your services as
your business grows
No need to change hosts
or contract other vendors